Hello fellow fish!

I’m Minnow and I’m honored you’re here.

This blog was created as sort of a safety net to hold my dreams, fears, goals, and questions as I navigate the often murky waters of being a thirty-something-year-old in the big world. At times I feel like a fish out of water, unsure of how I got here and where I’m going.

I’m learning as I go, finding new routes and possibilities I never thought possible, while exploring if any old paths are worth venturing down again.

The goal of sharing my experiences is to pass on any life hacks and wisdom I encounter to enrich your own journey. Trying to travel on a budget? Curious about other ways to meet singles besides dating apps? Wondering if you could benefit from a financial advisor? Confused about what’s even really “healthy” anymore? Dreaming of leaving the corporate world to work for yourself? Me too! I’ll share what’s worked and what hasn’t so hopefully you can avoid some of the mistakes I’ve made.

If nothing else, I hope you know you’re not alone out there.

Keep swimming,
