Perks of Being Single in Your Thirties

benefits singles enjoy in thirties

Did you imagine your thirties would look a little different? I know I did.

I thought by this age I’d be a wife and mother.

Sometimes it’s tough to fully embrace and celebrate your life when it’s missing something you want. I understand this feeling intimately.

However, instead of focusing on what’s missing, I’m trying to savor the perks I get to enjoy right now while being single!

Here are some benefits to being single in your thirties.

1. You get to make big and small decisions independently

perks of being single

From what to eat for dinner, to where to vacation this summer, you call the shots. There’s no need to check in with someone.

Last minute trip to Cabo because airfare’s cheap? Book that flight! Impromptu girls night out after work? There’s no one waiting at home. Craving Thai food on Taco Tuesday? There’s no debate with a partner on which cuisine wins.

Want to save money more aggressively? Props to you! Feel like treating yourself to some shopping hauls? It’s your income, so you decide how best to spend it.

Some of these decisions are insignificant, but considering your partner’s feelings when you’re in a relationship is important. They may not care much about certain choices, but I’ve been in one or two silly arguments over which restaurant to eat at. Imagine how crucial it is to be on the same page when it comes to major decisions.

While there could be benefits in having a partner to make important decisions with, there is a certain simplicity to life when you get to make choices solo.

2. You have greater flexibility

benefits of being single

People often say that singles have more time. I’m not sure that’s necessarily true. After all, at the end of the day, everyone gets the same twenty-four hours. However, I do believe singles enjoy greater flexibility.

Like sleeping in on the weekends? Enjoy snoozing in a bed that you don’t have to share with a partner who snores, or with little ones who wake up at the crack of dawn.

Are you a neat freak? Great. You only need to clean up after yourself. That luxury may disappear once you share your space with others, in particular with kids. Or maybe you’re messy and only tidy up once a week. When it’s just you, your habits don’t conflict with someone else’s preferences.

In addition, if you have a partner and children, you may not be able to decide to downsize your living space in order to reduce your working hours. Instead, you may need to bring in a set monthly income to help provide a comfortable home for your family.

Another perk is that there’s generally a lower chance of you needing to cancel plans last minute. Partners and parents often need to call out to care for sick family members, or rearrange their calendars because of schedule conflicts.

As a single, your schedule is largely dictated by you and you alone. So if you need to graciously bow out of a commitment, it’s more likely because you decided to, not because you are obligated elsewhere.

3. You’re single but not broke (hopefully)

more spending money when single

While your twenties are a great time to enjoy the freedoms of singleness, they’re also often the era many people live paycheck to paycheck. Entry level jobs, inflation, and student loans don’t leave much in your bank account at the end of the month. So while you may have frequent opportunities to travel and explore new interests, you may not always have the means.

But once you enter your thirties, hopefully you’ve celebrated multiple promotions or career moves. And if you’re single with no children, that leaves more money at your disposal than ever before.

Ideally, you are already pro at managing your finances and are properly investing in your future. But if not, there’s no time like the present to master your financial goals! Redefining and setting new financial goals is one of my top priorities right now.

Keep in mind, financial goals are not one size fits all. What financial success looks like will vary from person to person. To some, it may be mean saving more than 20% for a down payment on a house so monthly costs are low. To another, it could mean selling their house to pay off debt so they can live abroad for a few years.

Although I haven’t met my personal financial goals yet, I recognize how fortunate I am. I have a job that covers my living expenses, allows me to save, and provides some extra spending money.

And though I am all about saving and thinking ahead to the future, I believe it’s equally important to enjoy what you have now. No one is promised tomorrow after all.

So yes, open that savings account, set up a budget, and make that investment. But don’t be afraid to sample the fruits of your hard labor in the here and now.

Considering taking a trip to see friends or family, but worried you should save that money for a down payment or your 401k? I get it! But I sincerely believe that spending quality time with loved ones is an investment you won’t regret making. Maybe a compromise that honors both of your priorities is scheduling the trip during off season when travel costs are lower.

4. You can find your tribe

flourish with friends

This is one of my favorite things about being single. The absence of a partner and kids has allowed me to find and flourish within my girl friend tribe. (I’m speaking from my female perspective, but I would imagine men can also experience this benefit with their guy friends.)

While it’s definitely possible and healthy to maintain solid friendships no matter your marital or child status, there’s something special about the time singles share together.

I am beyond grateful for the moments I’ve shared with other women walking through similar stages of life. We’ve laughed together, cried together, complained about horrible dates together, and prayed together. We’ve celebrated in eager anticipation when new relationships or careers started, and we’ve mourned together during breakups and job losses.

We discuss what it’s like to hit big milestones when you’re single, when originally you wanted to experience these moments with a partner. From budgeting, moving, renting, buying a house, investing, to maybe even adopting children, we must make these decisions on our own. Yet, we know we always have a compassionate listening ear and sounding board in each other.

There are other perks I believe singles can enjoy, but freedom over decisions, greater flexibility, increased financial stability, and finding a supportive tribe are some of the greatest benefits I’ve experienced in my thirties.

benefits of being single in thirties

What other perks do you think singles experience? Do you think there are more or less benefits to singlehood the older you get? Share in the comments!

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